I am inviting you to study together about:

What Judaism has to offer about relationship and intimacy

Two lessons for free


on Monday 28.11.22

The lesson will start at 20:30 punctually  – Israel time UTC/GMT +2 hours

Through Zoom video conference

No worries, I am aware that not all of you can join me at this hour

So even if you live in the US, Australia or South Africa, or if simply this hour doesn't suit you, I thought about you too,

 I'm going to record the lessons for you so you can listen to them at your convenience.

How to join?  

Just click on:


It will automatically add you to my silent group where I will send the Zoom link.

Those who know me probably know that I am most passionate about studying and teaching Gemara.

In the past couple of years, I have been investing a lot in teaching about Love, Intimacy and positive sexuality according to Halacha.

So I decided to combine these two passions of mine and invite you to two unique classes

on Judaism's attitude towards relationship and intimacy.

I’m offering two great independent classes

Each lesson is dedicated to a different topic under the big subject of Love and Intimacy.

In the first lesson,

We will examine the word "Love" between a man and a woman in the Gemara

Let's have a look what Rabbi Kook wrote about it

We will even discuss John Lennon’s lyrics

I hope that we will take some insight for our personal lives

An hour of a significant experiential learning and pure pleasure!

Why for free?  

Because If I ask you tp pay you might miss it, and that would be a shame!

So do not think twice!

Not every day you have the opportunity to study with me and for free – a combination of Judaism and intimacy.

I believe that Judaism has a recipe for love and relationship that is unique

I am sure that learning from the Jewish sources will cause a revolution in our perception of relationships and intimacy, that it will significantly upgrade our quality of life and make each of us a more accomplished person.

The second free lesson will discuss body and sexuality according ti Judaism

Join the silent WhatsApp group through this link:


So I can send you the zoom link.

I would appreciate it if you share this message and bring friends…

We will study Torah together with pleasure.

With love,

Rav Rafi Ostroff



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